Friday, February 10, 2012

Life Structure

Help in YOUR Life!

      There are so many things that are going on in your life. Depending on what you want to accomplish in your life is 100% up too you! Yes, I'm saying that you can do anything that you put your mind too. You have probably heard your parents at some point in your life tell you this. Whatever you want to accomplish you must keep in mind that it might not be as easy as it looks. Next thing you know you are overwhelmed of ALL the things that you NEED to do. When you let things slide by without completion. you may feel a bit depressed. This depression was running my life when I was growing up but I learned a very simple way to complete the things I wanted to achieve my goal. 

    A couple things that you should think about before I begin:
  1. Just because you have failed at something doesn't make you a failure. Because every failure, you gain more experience. So keep your chin up and listen to nobody but yourself. *Remember: Just because others don't have faith in you DOES NOT mean that you shouldn't have faith in yourself.                            
  2. Many things effect peoples imagination when it comes to the question of "What do I want to do with my life?". TV, Music, Internet, Movies are all things that put money and power into our heads. These things are realistic but unless you have some professional talent or come from a rich family, you are not going to be driving the nicest car on the block. Keep things simple at first until you can build your very own person work ethic. 
  3. The biggest influence in your life is YOU! Keep your thoughts positive so you can manage your motivation. 

Life Structure
    Did you know that your biggest projects and tasks can actually be very simple and easy? Well they are! All you need to do it break things down to the smallest steps and complete each step and check it off. You have probably heard this method before, but can you honestly say that you have sat down and really tried to break down your project to the nuts and bolts? If your answer is "NO" than you are a completely normal human being, who goes threw their project as ONE step. Having several steps in between will be the stairs that you will walk up to reach your goal. 

For Example:
Even the simplest tasks you feel overwhelmed about the amount of work.

Lets say that you need to clean your room. There are clothes, garbage, backpacks etc. 
  1. Take a step back and just look at your surroundings.
  2. Identify all clothes; then gather and create a pile.
  3. Identify all garbage; then have a garbage bag ready to throw them away.
  4. Gather the rest of the things on your floor and make a pile.
  • Sort your clothes  CLEAN or DIRTY
  • Take your garbage bag and fill until no trash can be seen in your room.
  • The pile of random things that you have accumulated on your floor, you are now to sort them out to their belonged place.

This example is extremely simple but you can apply this work ethic to anything you want. You will be amazed how fast and effective you can accomplish even the simplest things in your life. You can apply this strategy to even set a new daily routine for yourself. Follow the steps below for a week and watch the progress fly before your eyes.

  1. Find out what you want to accomplish, whether you want a routine down or a project complete.
  2. Get out a piece of paper and write down all the requirements.
  3. Take each requirement and break it down to steps that take less than 3 minutes for each step.
  4. Create a checklist with these steps.
  5. Start by checking off each step when complete.
For routines:
Have daily steps that you want to complete and go ahead and create a checklist once again. Copy these checklist and hang it up where you will see it everyday when you wake up.

For every step that you complete you will feel relieved and you will get some type of high off of your achievement. If you DECIDE not to complete a step you will feel somewhat depressed and you are far too familiar with this emotion. If your emotions make you feel good about yourself for completing something, than you will be more drawn to do it the next day.

I really hope that this blog has helped you complete the things that you want the most!
All you need is a little willpower and the want to improve yourself!